We are excited that you are interested in serving alongside our mission. We need volunteers like you to make it possible to for us to manage day to day tasks and reach homes effectively. Here are some ways that you can help:
Administrative Duties
- Create video for client testimonials - Setup and schedule meetings with clients to conduct video interviews about their story and/or how Rahab’s Hope has impacted their lives. Outline specific questions to ask the client in an interview process or guide clients of the topics to cover. Record and edit videos.
- Website Updates - Aid in updating websites as necessary (Ex. Uploading newsletters, videos, updating data/information)
- Administrative Support - manage subscribers list, and various tasks
- Volunteer Coordinator - assist with volunteer recruitment, volunteer appreciation program, manage volunteer events
Fundraising Opportunities
- Fundraising support - support the planning/execution of an event including (but not limited to) calling venues, soliciting donations from businesses, setting up during the event etc.
- Research grants - Search for grants (government and foundation) that Rahab’s Hope is eligible to apply for. Seeking people that have experience
- Grant writer - Write grant proposals. Seeking someone with grant writing experience.
- Marketing/Promotion - Aid in strategy and execution to promote fundraising events and programs/services
Program Specific Support
- Social Worker/Client Support - Review client applications/supporting documents, determine program eligibility, connect callers with community resources and document client information in the database. Need consistent help for at least 20 hours/week. Experience needed